Dad has been home for almost a month (click here for the post about his homecoming) and is doing well. As pictured above, he has quite the set-up! Dad's hospital bed is right in front of the big picture window in their master bedroom so he can enjoy the view. He loves being able to see the trees, as the only view he had in the hospital was of the sky. What a different view green trees are! Plus, the window opens so he can feel the breeze and hear the birds. Two other things we often take for granted, but he's been enjoying since he's been home.
Dad is able to get in and out of the bed by himself too! It is still very painful to sit, but Dad has found a way to get from laying to standing without much pain. He uses the walker or crutches to walk, and tries to walk and do his exercises every 2-3 hours during the day. He also comes out and enjoys every meal with us, though he still has to stand to eat. (However, this is yet another huge step as he's not having to eat in bed anymore!) Some more praises that Dad has experienced over the last month include being able to take a shower (no more sponge baths!!!) and being able to ride in the car to and from chemo (and not have to be transported on a stretcher).
Please continue to pray for:
- Dad's strength as he rebuilds and strengthens his leg muscles.
- Continued healing and rebuilding of his sacrum.
- Continued diminishment of the overall cancer in his body and the tumor in his sacrum.
- Dad's ability to sit.
- That his disability application would be approved. (We should find out within the next month.)
Thank you again for your prayers! Have a wonderful weekend!!!