Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Nick Is Safely in Peru!

Well, our "baby boy" has landed safely in Peru and is settling in with his host family. He got distracted by in-flight movies and basically stayed awake for 26 hours, so we are betting he crashed pretty hard on Sunday. He has already met alot of nice pre-med volunteers that arrived when he did and told us they will only be staying 2-4 weeks. So...looks like he will be the long timer in the bunch! Here are a few pics of him packing and saying goodbye at RDU. We sure do miss him already, but are so thankful he has this amazing opportunity to volunteer his time, hopefully helping others out, and learning about life in another country and culture.


  1. What a great opportunity for him! I can't wait to hear more about it.

  2. I love the pictures at the end, of you and Dad with Nick. Yep, not a day goes by that I don't think about him and miss him LOTS!!!! Though I'm so glad he's there and doing this mission work too!

  3. Wow what an opportunity. I notice Linda you follow Sean Tiernan's blog - Sean's wife is from Peru - it's really interesting what they do to names over there! ;D
