Thursday, October 7, 2010

Love is...

Sending a special card, or a stuffed glow worm...

a hand delivered loaf of warm banana bread...

a brother who took a week off work to do carpentry for us and held babies too...

family members who organized two phenomenal yard sales...

close friends willing to wear silly masks for a visit...

more family members who built a fence for our dogs...

37 volunteers (friends and family) who showed up to work in our yard...

the excitement of a new grandchild on the way...

holding 7 month old grandbabies...

longtime best friends from Florida who bought our Suburban...

60+ encouraging notes from our kids and Mom...

dear friends who worked on "Standing in the Gap for Ernie Baker"...

girlfriends who take time off work and come for lunch...

a granddaughter who grabs your hand and says, "I'll walk with you Grandpa!"

a neighbor (Charlie) who lovingly places our newspaper on the front stoop every morning...

women in Kenya who pray for you with their whole hearts...

a faithful pup who watches over you while you sleep...

a brother in Christ who shaves his head in solidarity...

and nics it in the process (poor Jay)!

friends from way back in 1979 who stop by with hugs for us and gifts for our grandchildren...

grown men who play with those gifts for the grandchildren and make you laugh...

prayers, dinners, gift cards, flowers, lawn mowing, phone calls...the list goes on and on. We are blessed beyond measure. Thank you for your love, from the bottom of our very grateful hearts!


  1. Love this post! It never grows tiring to count your blessings! God is good!

  2. Great post! God is so good ALL THE TIME! What wonderful blessings that He has bestowed upon your family!

  3. Love this post! The last picture absolutely cracks me up!

  4. I too love this post. Oh the joy of family and friends. Yes, you have been blessed with both. I also know, however, that you would have done the same for any one of these fine people came out to support you in your time of need. Our God is so good!

  5. I'm counting my blessings too. what a great reminder of who God is and what He's done.
