Friday, June 8, 2012

A Bit of Birdwatching

Time to head back home after a week in Boone enjoying the hummingbirds, chipmunks and sparrows here. The week before we came, I spent time with camera in hand, capturing some of the wildlife in our particular, birds. My Mom and I love to watch the birds and have been beefing up our birdseed to attract more songbirds and woodpeckers. We've also been keeping a close eye on the bluebird house for signs of activity.  Here is a bit of what I saw...

Sorry this next one is blurry. It's pretty far away from our house, but I just had to show Daddy Bluebird keeping a close watch over his brood. Then Mama Bluebird came out of the box and looked around for a bit.

 The eggs a few weeks ago...

 The four sweet little babies all hatched and huddled together...

Part of our cardinal family and a woodpecker...

We're still working at it and hope to continue attracting different varieties, and more of each, as the weather gets warmer. And last, but not least, is this little guy who LOVES to devour all the birdseed. He can't get past the baffle at the birdfeeding "station", but he sure can spend time at the seed tray.

 Enjoy your weekend and keep an eye out for some backyard birds!



  1. Spectacular pictures Linda!!!! I love your blog and pictures of your family adventures! Give my best to my fellow MM buddy EZ and I will read further for his MM status. Thanks for always checking in with me and my blog. I appreciate your friendship and support :) xoxo

  2. Linda, what a blessing that you posted these sweet, innocent, wonderful photos at the exact time that we in the MM Blogosphere are just reading of sweet, innocent, wonderful Paula's dire situation. It's heartbreaking. Lovey
