Monday, May 9, 2011

Meet in the Street

What a gorgeous weekend we enjoyed here, jam packed with special family time! Saturday morning Tara, all four kiddos, Gigi, EZ and I all headed to "Meet in the Street", an annual street fair held here in Wake Forest. Gigi pushed the stroller, and Natalie and Nathan made sure to hold Grandpa's hand so he wouldn't get lost. 

The streets were filled with music, dancing, food, crafts, and people!

Natalie's special treat was to share a hot dog with Grandpa and have her face painted, and Nathan got an ice cream cone and an awesome bow and arrow set. It made us appreciate even more the joys of living in our sweet little town, spending time with family, walking along hand in hand, and just enjoying what life has to offer!


  1. Looks like SOOOo much fun!! Love that daddy finally got the corn since he couldn't make it to the fair this year!

  2. Oh it was such a fun morning!!! Thank you ALL for coming with us~ The kids have been begging to do it again!!! Too bad we have to wait until next year!

  3. I am so glad I got up the energy to go. I really hesitatied, but had a wonderful time, and did not run out of energy. The old back held up!

  4. What beautiful memories being made! I foresee the grandpa/granddaughter dancing picture at Natalie's wedding!
