Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Tara, Jamie, Leah and Kyle!

I never dreamed our two girls would get married on the same day, six years apart, but they did! On December 16th, 2000 our daughter Tara Baker married James Dew, Jr. Here is one of our favorite pictures, snapped when the honeymooners returned from Aruba on Christmas Eve, and Jamie carried his bride across the threshold of their first home.

On December 16th, 2006 our daughter Leah Baker married Kyle Guenther and the ceremony was performed by Jamie! They spent their honeymoon in Puerto Vallarta. This picture of Kyle and Leah is also one of our playful and full of love.

We are so proud of our daughters and the accomplished women and mothers they have become. We couldn't have asked for more wonderful of faith that love their family and work so hard to provide for them. As husbands and wives they are dedicated to one another and have strong beautiful marriages. As parents they have made wise decisions in child-rearing and dedicated themselves to raising their children up in the way they should go. They put in the hours together as a family and love every minute of it.

The Dews 11 years later

The Guenthers 5 years later

On this day we want to wish them all a very HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! We love you!

Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh...let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. Ephesians 5:31, 33


  1. Following in the foot steps of another December Anniversary! Congratulations to all 3 couples!!

  2. Happy anniversary to the Dews and the Guenthers! How special that they all can celebrate the wonderful gift of marriage together today!

  3. Happy Anniversary to the Dews and Guenthers!!

  4. Happy Anniversary!!

  5. That was so sweet, Linda. I have such wonderful memories of both weddings and am so proud of Jamie and Tara and Kyle and Leah and how their loving and caring attitudes toward one another make my heart swell in happiness. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to my sweet grandchildren.

  6. Thank you, Mom, for such a sweet post! I love the pictures that you chose!!!! And I agree with Mindy~ Our marriages are following in the legacy of marriage that you and Daddy have set! Love you all!

  7. Thank you so much for such a thoughtful post Mom! Really special that we all have December anniversaries, love you!

  8. ah, what a blessing those 2 couples are to us and so many others. Those wedding days were absolutely so special. I know you are so proud!
