Friday, January 28, 2011

My Little Shower Helper

Being an engineer, I love when a plan comes together. First, a problem is detected and different solutions are evaluated, with the best one put forth as a plan. Then the plan is implemented and...problem solved! My problem at present is that bone damage to my sacrum does not let me bend. When standing, if I try to reach anything below my knees I get a sharp sciatic nerve pain down my leg all the way to the ankle. So how do I dry  my calves, shins, ankles and tops of the feet after a shower?  "Hey honey, do you have a minute?"  Um....I needed a better solution!  Enter our little English Springer Spaniel mix, Abby: 

Abby has the unique desire to lick legs if they are wet. We noticed this obsession long ago whenever Linda or I stepped out of the shower. When Abby hears the shower running, she patiently comes in and camps on the nearest bath rug, waiting for someone to emerge. When we do step out, she has  one purpose in life:  Lick all the water off your lower legs, ankles and feet. I'm not sure why Abby does this, but when you can't bend to dry your legs yourself, and don't want to bother your wife, my faithful canine companion is the perfect solution!

I love my little shower helper.


  1. It's just as well I can manage that easily now - Buddy would be no use. He's like a little shadow everywhere else but whilst in or getting out of the shower or bath he tends to take to the bed because that's safe ground. :D

  2. I was thinking hair dryer but Abby is more personable!

  3. lol this made me laugh!!

  4. Hahaha. Leave it to the licker! And Dad, check out your ankles! They aren't cankles:)

  5. Can't help but ask: don't your legs feel just a bit pupcussy?

  6. Sandy has the exact same routine with Eddie!

  7. Ha! Our puppy does this now and our black lab mix always did too. A few years back, I got out of the shower and Sophie would not stop licking the water off my legs. I yelled at her, "Would you please stop licking me!!!". Unbeknownst to me, the bathroom window was open behind the drawn shade and I heard Tim's voice reply, "Hon, you may not want to shout that so loudly." (The houses are very close here.) OOPS.
