Friday, July 22, 2011

Fabulous Food Friday - Grammy's Chocolate Chip Cookies

Nathan and Natalie watching Grammy at work!
Yummy homemade chocolate chip goodness...Grammy style
The Dews enjoying the cookies Grammy made!

There are some things you can just count on. One of those things is chocolate chip cookies in Grammy's cookie tin whenever you go to visit. With all the convenience refrigerated cookie doughs, it's rather unusual to make cookies from scratch anymore. Well, not for Ernie's mom! She assembles her ingredients, uncovers her KitchenAid mixer, and goes to town. No telling how many batches she has made in her lifetime, and we are thankful that the great grandchildren got a taste of this yummy goodness on a recent visit! The tradition continues, even at 87 years old...


  1. that's awesome. Love those cookies!

  2. So thoughtful of her to make cookies for us! They were devoured in less than 2 days too :)
