Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy 88th Birthday to EZ's Dad...affectionately known as Pop-Pop!

Today marks a very special day as we celebrate the birth of Lewin Thompson Baker, Ernie's Dad. As was often the case back in the 1920's, he was born in the large front bedroom of his grandparents' home in Port Allegany, Pennsylvania. Here is an early picture of "Pop-Pop" as a child with some of their hunting dogs and later as he served in the U.S. Army:

We were so happy to be able to head over to Black Mountain last weekend in order to enjoy a few days in the beautiful North Carolina mountains, celebrating Dad's 88th birthday (a bit early). We decided to make it a birthday party for two as Ernie's mom, Erna Dysart Baker, will be 87 in June. Here is a picture of her back in the day:

What a blessing it is to have these two, married almost 65 years, enjoying life together and celebrating another birthday! We fixed one of their favorite meals...ham with a few sides:

Nick insisted on breaking out the party hats for the occasion, so everyone happily complied:

Ernie's father, at 88, bought his first laptop computer! What a joy it was to have Nick helping his grandfather get everything configured so he would be good to go by the time we had to head home. You are never too old to be computer savy!

Alas, it was time to head home, but not before snapping some traditional pictures on the front porch:

Happy Birthday Mom and Dad Baker! We love you and wish you a year full of happy times!


  1. Great pictures of a great time with Grammy & Pop-Pop!!! Happy Birthday you two!

  2. Enjoyed reading the blog and seeing the photos. Happy birthday, Lee and Erna. My love to you both. Ginny

  3. Love the birthday hats!

  4. Ahhhh, more food! ;D

    Happy belated birthday Dad Baker and Happy early birthday Mom Baker.

    Will Dad Baker be starting his own blog? I just love it when people of his age are still open to new technology.
