Tuesday, August 30, 2011

From an Earthquake to Irene - What a Week!

My mother, Tara,  EZ and I spent the morning of August 23rd at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary attending convocation and celebrating my son-in-law, Jamie, and his appointment to the faculty there. It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed being back on the campus where I had worked for four years!

Later, we enjoyed a nice lunch at home with Mom's good friend Marilyn. We had just finished our Fudge Crinkle Cookies and Black Raspberry Ice Cream when we felt the entire house shaking. It only lasted 12 seconds, but it seemed longer and certainly had us scared. Reports started appearing on Facebook long before the TV stations aired anything about it. We would soon learn that it was indeed an earthquake that had originated in Virginia, measuring 5.8 on the Richter scale.

Mom and Marilyn, shaken but still smiling
As the week progressed, we prepared for Hurricane Irene, though we were pretty far inland. We lost power early on Saturday morning in the rain and wind. I loved how the humidity made Natalie's hair turn to ringlets!

Little Samantha had ringlets too!

The Dews' front porch provided the perfect place to play while the lights were out

Power still out...McDonald's by candlelight for dinner!
The rain had stopped and the sky looked ominous

The sunset was beautiful...the calm after the storm

The morning revealed lots of leaves and branches, but no damage to our home

All in all, other than the inconvenience of having no power for about 24 hours and lots of sticks to pick up, we fared very well and are most grateful! Our prayers go out to those who suffered much from NC to Vermont at the hands of Irene.

It had been a busy and exhausting week for EZ, so we took the first opporunity we had to retreat to the cabin for some rest and relaxation. The morning sun, calm setting, cooler temperatures, and slower pace are something we never tire of.

We pray everyone we know stayed safe in the events of the past week. Who would ever have thought that we would experience both an earthquake and a hurricane?


  1. Yes, what a week! Thanks for coming to support Jamie and for all your help when we didn't have power this weekend. Love the shots of the girls' curls !

  2. Glad everyone is safe and no damage... Good reason to eat McDonalds!

  3. Sure enjoyed our luncheon with my dear friend Marilyn Osborne. Didn't expect it to be such an earth-shaking experience though! It certainly was a week to remember. So glad that Tara and Jamie live so close by so that we can pool our resources and make the most of situations like this. Love having them close by no matter what! Gigi

  4. what a week is right. So glad you guys are safe and that you got to experience an earthquake with no damage!!

  5. love the girls hair! glad you were all ok.

  6. Glad you were all OK. Hurricanes still cause my heart rate to go up!
